Today, we are covering the ins & outs of selecting a new baseball glove. Check back for our fastpitch softball glove selection guide soon.
Getting a new glove is exciting. It can also be a very personal experience. This can make buying a glove online difficult. Know that, we will work with you to help you select the correct glove. When selecting a new baseball glove, we try to narrow down the selection of gloves by asking a series of questions, like size range, position and style.
For youth baseball players we generally try to fit the player more than the position. Q: Why? A: Younger ball players play multiple positions and haven’t locked in on a position, not to mention they are still growing.
Once players reach 10-13 years of age, they are usually ready for adult sized gloves. Outfielder gloves are longer, usually over 12-inches long. Infielder fielding gloves are generally 11 ¼ - 12-inches long. Last but definitely not least you have your first base mitts and catcher’s mitts.
You can break down all the different webbing styles into two types, open and closed. Open Web Gloves are webbings with voids in the leather webbing, you can see through them. Usually middle infielders want an open web, as it allows for a quicker transfer of the ball to the throwing hand. Closed Web Gloves all leather and much more difficult to see through. Pitchers generally prefer a closed web as they help hide the ball and more importantly their grip on the ball before the pitch is delivered. You’ll also find third basemen and outfielders like the support provided with a closed webbing.
Infield - Made up of pitchers, middle infielders and third basemen; these gloves tend to overlap in size, right around the 11-12” there are some different webbing styles to choose from. As mentioned above, pitchers will generally select a closed web; closed or solid web gloves help hide the ball and the pitching hand from the batter prior to the pitch delivery. When selecting a size for a pitcher’s glove it’s usually just a personal preference, or if they play other positions as well what works best for both. The 12-Inch V-lace & 11 ½-Modified Trap have been popular for pitchers.
Outfield -
Usually larger than than 12-Inch, as they have to cover more of the field and make plays on the move. The larger and deeper webbing give them a better reach and security… Outfielders sacrifice quick transfer needed at Short-Stop & Second Base to secure fly balls & line drives into the outfield. Usually making plays on the run give them the momentum needed to make throws to the cut-off man from the infield.
- First Base Mitts - Besides being larger and having a rounded over finger pag, the first base mitt is categorized as a mitt because it’s usually made with only three finger stalls. We carry two sizes of first base mitt, 12 & 13 inch. The smaller 12-Inch first base mitt is usually for ball players under the age of 12-13, and the larger 13-Inch for 13 years and older.
Catcher’s Mitt -
Probably the most recognized and specialized position also has the most specialized equipment. From the extra pads and mask, they catcher’s mitt is also unique.The mitts are measured in circumference (distance around the mitt) rather than the length of the glove. Catcher's mitts also have a round, oval shape, extra padding, and traditionally have a closed web style.